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Ctrl C Apple

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Terminal User Guide

Use these shortcuts to save time when using Terminal.

  • Replacing the Ctrl key press with the Command key also applies to most Ctrl key shortcuts in programs, such as Microsoft Office. The letters in keyboard shortcut combinations are always shown capitalized on-screen, but the Mac recognizes the lowercase versions as well. Thus, you can type either Command+Q or Command+q to quit (exit) the program.
  • The equivalent of a Ctrl-C in a Mac is Command-C (or Cmd-C for short). The command key, by the way, is that key with the Apple icon and the strange square with four outward loops (⌘). Bear in mind that most 'Ctrl' shortcuts on Windows can be substituted with the 'Cmd' key. Example, Ctrl-V in Windows (shortcut for paste) is Cmd-V in Mac.

Work with Terminal windows and tabs

Jul 04, 2017 If you switch to a Mac after becoming familiar with Windows, you'll quickly find that the standard Ctrl+Alt+Delete shortcut doesn't do anything. Mac OS X does have its own version of the Task Manager, but it's a bit different than Windows', and you access it by pressing Command+Option+Esc.

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New window


New window with same command


New tab


New tab with same command


Show or hide tab bar


Show all tabs or exit tab overview

Shift-Command-Backslash ()

New command


New remote connection


Show or hide Inspector


Edit title


Edit background color


Make fonts bigger

Command-Plus (+)

Make fonts smaller

Command-Minus (–)

Next window

Command-Grave Accent (`)

Previous window

Command-Shift-Tilde (~)

Next Tab


Previous Tab


Split window into two panes


Close split pane


Close tab


Close window


Close other tabs


Close all


Scroll to top


Scroll to bottom


Page up

Command-Page Up

Page down

Command-Page Down

Line up

Option-Command-Page Up

Line down

Option-Command-Page Down

Edit a command line



Reposition the insertion point

Press and hold the Option key while moving the pointer to a new insertion point.

Move the insertion point to the beginning of the line


Move the insertion point to the end of the line


Move the insertion point forward one character

Right Arrow

Move the insertion point backward one character

Left Arrow

Move the insertion point forward one word

Option-Right Arrow

Move the insertion point backward one word

Option-Left Arrow

Delete to the beginning of the line


Delete to the end of the line


Delete forward to the end of the word

Option-D (available when Use Option as Meta key is selected)

Delete backward to the beginning of the word


Delete one character


Forward-delete one character

Forward Delete (or use Fn-Delete)

Transpose two characters


Select and find text in a Terminal window



Select a complete file path

Press and hold the Shift and Command keys and double-click the path

Select a complete line of text

Triple-click the line

Select a word

Double-click the word

Select a URL

Press and hold the Shift and Command keys and double-click the URL

Select a rectangular block

Press and hold the Option key and drag to select text


Command-X 3d printer mac compatible.



Copy without background color


Copy plain text




Paste the selection


Paste escaped text


Paste escaped selection



How to check ssd mac. Command-F

Find next


Find previous


Find using the selected text


Jump to the selected text


Select all


Open the character viewer


Work with marks and bookmarks





Mark as bookmark




Mark line and send return


Send return without marking


Insert bookmark


Insert bookmark with name


Jump to previous mark

Command-Up Arrow

Jump to next mark

Command-Down Arrow

Jump to previous bookmark

Option-Command-Up Arrow

Jump to next bookmark

Option-Command-Down Arrow

Clear to previous mark


Clear to previous bookmark


Clear to start


Select between marks


Other shortcuts



Enter or exit full screen


Show or hide colors


Open Terminal preferences

Command-Comma (,)

Apple iphone os download. Break

Typing Command-Period (.) is equivalent to entering Control-C on the command line

Apple bluetooth keyboard layout. Print


Soft reset terminal emulator state


Hard reset terminal emulator state


Open a URL

Hold down the Command key and double-click the URL

Add the complete path to a file

Drag the file from the Finder into the Terminal window

Export text as


Export selected text as


Reverse search command history


Toggle 'Allow Mouse Reporting' option


Toggle 'Use Option as Meta Key' option Download google chrome for apple iphone.


Show alternate screen

Option-Command-Page Down

Hide alternate screen

Option-Command-Page Up

Open man page for selection

Control-Shift-Command-Question Mark (?)

Search man page index for selection

Control-Option-Command-Slash (/)

Complete directory or file name

On a command line, type one or more characters, then press Tab

Display a list of possible directory or file name completions

On a command line, type one or more characters, then press Tab twice

See alsoCreate custom function keys in Terminal on MacChange Profiles Keyboard preferences in Terminal on MacApple Support article: Mac keyboard shortcuts
By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

This page discuss differences between Apple Keyboard and Windows keyboard.

On the PC keyboard, you have the Ctrl (Control key), ❖Window (Windows logo key), Alt (alternate key).

On Apple keyboard, you have Ctrl, ⌥option (alt/option), ⌘command (command) keys.

Control Key

Control Key in Microsoft Windows

The Control Key in Windows is used for keyboard shortcuts. For example, Copy is Ctrl+c, Paste is Ctrl+v.

On the Mac, Command key is used for keyboard shortcuts. Copy is ⌘command+c, Paste is ⌘command+v.

Control Key in Mac OS X

The Control key under Mac is rarely used.When used, it is as a modifier in combination with other modifier keys. For example,in Safari (as of 2018-05-01)Ctrl+⌘command+1 show bookmarks sidebar.

Mac OS X by default supports emacs basic cursor movement keybindings.You can try it in TextEdit.They are:

Mac OS X's default emacs keybindings:

  • Ctrl+f → move forward
  • Ctrl+b → move backward
  • Ctrl+n → move down a line
  • Ctrl+p → move up a line
  • Ctrl+a → beginning of line
  • Ctrl+e → end of line
  • Ctrl+k → delete current position to end of line
  • Ctrl+y → paste

Alt/Option Key

⌥option on Apple keyboard and Alt on PC keyboards both send the same USB scancode.

Alt Key Use in Microsoft Windows

The Alt key in MS Windows has several different uses:

  • It is used to invoke graphical menus. For example, pressing (and releasing) Alt by itself will activate the graphical menu, then the user can press a alphabetic key to invoke a menu command or use arrow keys to navigate the menu.For example,Altec invokes the copy command in edit menu, in Notepad and most other Microsoft Windows apps.
  • When pressed simultaneously with a key, it invoke a command directly. For example, Alt+F4 closes the current window.
  • When held down then type a number on the numeric keypad, it enters a special character. For example, hold Alt then type 0225 on numeric keypad will insert 'á'.[see How to Input Unicode]
  • If your Windows's keyboard layout is set to a European language, then right Alt plus a letter key inserts special characters.[see International Keyboard Layouts][see Alt Graph Key, Compose Key, Dead Key]

Option Key Use in macOS

The ⌥option key is used for:

  • Cursor control, with arrow keys. For example, ⌥option+ moves cursor by word.
  • Option key is used to insert special characters, such as '• ™ ©'. For example, +8 will insert the bullet character '•'. [see Mac Keyboard Viewer]
  • Option key is used as a modifier key together with the ⌘command key. For example, in ⌘command+⌥option+h invokes the command 〖Hide Others〗 in all Apple applications.

Windows Logo Key and Apple Command Key

❖Window and ⌘command both send the same USB scancode.

Their behaviors are different in Mac and Windows.

In Windows:

  • Microsoft logo key invokes the Start menu.
  • When pressed with letter key, it invokes a command that's meaningful system-wide. For example, ❖Window+d gets you the desktop.

[see Windows Keyboard Shortcuts]

Under Mac, the Command key is used as a modifier key to invoke shortcuts. For example, ⌘command+c is Copy. It is similar to MS Window's use of the Ctrl key.

Menu/App Key

Ctrl C Apple Keyboard

[see Microsoft Keyboards Gallery]

The ▤Menu key, also called Application key, is invented by Microsoft. Typically only on the right side. It is used for Context Menu. The key's function is similar to the mouse's right button, or pressing Shift+F10 in most applications.

[see Keyboard Menu/App Key]

Mac doesn't have ▤Menu key. If you use a Windows keyboard on a Mac, the ▤Menu key does Ctrl+p.

[see Mac Keyboard Tools]

Main Return/Enter Key

On PC keyboard, the main enter key is labeled 'Enter ↵'.

On Apple's keyboards, the main enter key is usually labeled 'return' or just by a symbol '↩'.

Note: the main enter/return key is different from the Enter on number keypad. (it sends a different key signal.)

Enter/Return Key Conventions

In Microsoft Windows desktop (Explorer), when a file is selected, Enter will open the file.(To rename the file, press F2.)

In Mac desktop (Finder), when a file is selected, Enter will activate file rename.(⌘command+o to open the file.)

Backspace Key

On PC keyboards, there is a Backspace key on the main section.

On Apple keyboards, this key is labeled 'delete'.

Backspace Key Conventions

When in text editing, the Backspace is used the same way in both OS X and Windows. It delete texts to the left of the cursor.

In browser, Windows useBackspace key to 'go back' to a previous visited page.For some time around 2005 to 2013, Mac OS X's Safari browser also started to do the same, but removed this shortcut again when gesture with touchpad becomes popular. Use 2-finger swipe to the left to go back.

Delete/Del Key

The Delete ⌦ key is located in the Home/End key cluster. This key sometimes labeled 'Del'.

On Mac, this key is labeled 'delete' or .

On Windows, Delete ⌦ is often used to delete things. For example, on desktop, select a file, pressing Delete ⌦ will put the file to the 'Recycle Bin'. In a text editor, the key will delete to the right of the cursor.

On the Mac, from early 1990s to 2006, the Delete ⌦ key is almost never used, even in text editors. When there is a function assigned to it, it is used to delete to the right of the cursor.

Insert Key

On PC keyboards, there is the Insert key (sometimes labeled Ins). Apple keyboards doesn't have this key.

PrtScn ScrLk Break vs F13 F14 F15

Ctrl C Apple Watch Band

The PC has these keys:PrintScreen/SysRq,ScrollLock,Pause/Pause.

These keys have old history back to the 1980's (or earlier) and in generalare not used since 1990, except on Windows the PrtScn key is for screenshot.

[see Print Screen, SysRq, ScrLk, Pause, Break Keys]

Apple's keyboards do not have these keys. On some Apple keyboards, they have F13, F14, F15 instead. 'Apple Keyboard with Numeric Keypad' of 2009, has F16 to F19.


The {PrintScreenScrollLockBreak} are different keys than {F13F14F15}. They do not send the same signals. In any case, when either PC keyboard or Apple keyboard is plugged in on a Mac running Mac OS X 10.4, these keys have the same behavior (could be due to operating system).

Numeric Keypad Keys

The numerical keypad keys send different USB scancode than the samekeys at top row of the main key section.

However, on macOS, the number pad keys are remapped to be the same as the number keys on the main section of keyboard.

The difference between PC and Mac keyboard's number pad are:

  • The arrangement of plus minus multiply divide keys are different.
  • PC keyboard has NumLock key. Apple keyboard does not have Number Lock toggle.
  • Apple keyboard has clear.
  • Apple's Numeric keypad has a equal = key.

back toKeyboard Shortcut and Layout Tutorial

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